Financial discipline refers to how well you are able to be consistent with your needs, essential and otherwise. Spending and saving based on well-founded plans is the key to achieving your monetary goals. The grooming has to start on a sound foundation laid early in the formative years of one’s life.
Spur-of-the-moment outings with friends amongst others entailing purchases can make a dent in the financial discipline intended to ensure a stress-free course into the future. Living within one’s means reduces the unsolicited burdens.
The primary reason that most adults have financial problems is not that of low earnings but is attributable to a general lack of self-discipline and the inability to delay gratification. This weakness of character so prevalent among the majority of adults in society today, it is noticed goes back to early childhood. It is, therefore, indispensable that personal finance education is needed to help an individual or a family make rational financial decisions throughout their life.
Major Navin Chandra, a brilliant Civil engineer from the Roorkee College of Engineering, served Indian Army before he started his own business venture soon after retirement. An original thinker, he was in for a rude shock when his flourishing business in Photogrammetric Mapping and Engineering Designs hit a low during the global economic breakdown. The near devastation set him thinking about the financial illiteracy as he calls it that caused him the adversities. He set out to find the reason and applies himself to provide a pointer through this publication.
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